Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Since I’ve been preaching on the community of faith for the last month and will continue for at least another month a lot of my time has been spent considering the concepts of Christian unity. I’m part of the American Restoration Movement that was built on a call for this unity. The originators of our movement did not believe they were the only Christians but called all Christians of all faiths to work together for the same ends. Unfortunately this wonderful dream degenerated into a very devise group of folks who have earned their reputation. In recent years we have started to return to our roots of a unity movement and some positive things are happening.

I have to ask the question, is it possible for all faiths to be unified in a common belief that Jesus is our Lord and we are called to follow His lead. Is it absolutely necessary that you and I agree on a few pet doctrines for us to be in fellowship and accept each other as brothers and sisters?

It seems to me that the things that unite Christians are much more important and powerful then the things we argue and divide over. There is no one I agree with one hundred percent, not my wife, not my kids, not my parents but I still accept them as family. More then just accepting them I’m tied to them and I’m invested in their lives. Is this too much to ask of brothers and sister in Christ?

If unity is possible based on a common purpose rather then doctrinal agreement, how do we get there? My suggestion is service. The church where I preach is emotionally, physically and financially invested in a ministry that feeds the homeless here in our city. We are linked to almost every church in town in this effort. The folks who run the ministry are very different then we are when it comes to worship style and doctrine but we have found a common work in serving “the least of these” that over come the things that separate us.

Is it possible for this to happen on a larger scale? I hope so. More then that I pray that it will, so that the world can know who Jesus is and what he is about.


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