Friday, May 19, 2006

Just I in case you were wondering.

Yes I’ve read The Da Vinci Code. Loved the book. It’s a great story and it’s not even his best work in my opinion. This is a work of pure fiction and should be understood as such. What I would like to see is Christians who are better versed in History so they know what’s right and what’s not when they read it.

Yes I’ll be seeing the movie. Ron Howard and Tom Hanks working together almost guarantee a good show.

No I don’t think Christianity will be affected in any form or fashion by the hysteria. The idea of sending a message to Hollywood by seeing or not seeing a movie is laughable. The last message Christians supposedly sent was by flocking to see the Passion of Christ. Have you noticed any changes in what Hollywood is putting out? Didn’t think so.

If you have chosen to abstain from the movie, book or both that’s fine, I respect your choice. This may be the classic application of Romans 14. What ever we do we need to do it with a heart that glorifies God.


At 5:44 PM, Blogger A. Lo said...

Texaswheels, I think what you suggest is. . .well, impossible. To say that any book that aims to present something contrary to your belief will not be given the time of day is a big claim to make.

Does this apply to movies as well? Have you ever seen a movie in which two unmarried people have sex? It's pretty impossible to never come in contact with things that are contrary to one's belief. I come in contact with those things daily in my life, but if I refuse to give the time of day to people who espouse ideas different from my own, then I wouldn't have anyone to talk to. . .except myself.

Even Paul, in Acts 17, uses the Athenian's culture to engage them in religious conversation. (See his reference to the altar dedicated to an unkown god.) If we, as Christians, refuse to see the culture for what it is and engage it as such, then we cease to be effective lights to the world.

At 2:48 PM, Blogger A. Lo said...

Well, then I'm confused. Have you read The Davinci Code?


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