Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Doctrine III

This is going to be pretty simple. If in my study of scripture I come to an understanding do I have the right to make that understanding a test of faith? Again I will remind you I was raised and continue to be a part of a heritage that puts a great deal of emphasis on believing and doing the right thing. This tends to have more effect on how our people worship, understand salvation and organize the church then how we live.

Here is the rub. I can be wrong. For my children who occasionally read this blog I know this comes as a shock. If, as the past has proved, I can be wrong, any position I take on scripture is possibly wrong, so how can I demand another accept my position in order to be right with God? My inherit ability to be wrong seems to demand that I give a little slack to those who disagree with me no matter what the subject unless being right on certain doctrinal issues is the foundation of salvation.

I believe Jesus is the foundation, beginning and end of salvation. This allows me to hold very dearly to certain doctrinal positions and allow for differences with those who might disagree. Since salvation is relational in nature rather then intellectual or formulistic I think this works.

Feel free to punch holes in this theory


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