Tuesday, January 24, 2006

One of the more enjoyable parts of my ministry here at Central is the time I teach with Joe Crisp. Joe is one of our Elders, and for several years now Joe and I have taught together. We’ve taught on Wednesdays and Sundays, we’ve taught topical and textual studies, we’ve alternated weeks and shared the class on the same nights. We’ve taught a lot of stuff about any way you can teach it.

There is something about co teaching that affects a relationship. Teaching together demands you listen to and share with that other person. Having two people teach a class is not co teaching. God seems to be big on community, so it only stands to reason that if were going to communicate his truth to the best of our ability, we need to communicate it in community.

I’ve been blessed to be in community with Joe for several years now. We have a good idea of what each other think and feel. We don’t always agree but we always relate. I’ve never had anyone tell me I needed to charge extra for a class I was teaching but I’ve had several people tell me Joe and I should charge for the classes we teach together. (At this time there is no plan for charging for our classes)

Joe and I eat lunch together on Wednesday, work together on Friday mornings, share a small group study on Monday nights and teach together on Sunday mornings. That may sound like a lot of community to you but I’m thankful for the time I spend with Joe and the ministry we share.

Maybe you have some relationships like this, Id love to hear about them.


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