Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I spent a little time is Hastings yesterday. If you didn’t know it I love bookstores. Now Hastings isn’t Barnes and Nobles but it’s not bad. Every time I walk in I feel like I’m being accosted by a zillion ideas. It’s like walking into a room full of 5 year olds who are so excited to see you they all rush you, grab you, and start talking at the same time. It’s hard to know where to start.

My sister and brother-in-law used to go to Barnes and Noble every Friday night for their date night. That may not sound to romantic to you but its one cheap date, and I can’t think of too many places I’d rather be. A great girl and great books should equal up to a great time.

I used to drink coffee with a friend at our local Hastings. He’s not here any more, and I miss him. We had the greatest conversations in that place. Surrounded by a myriad of ideas, books and magazines, with a hot cup of coffee in our hands we felt like we could solve all the problems in the world. To bad we couldn’t.

My sister and brother-in-law gave me a gift certificate to Hastings for Christmas. That is a really cool gift. Not only do you get to have books to read that don’t cost you anything but you get to pick them out. I think I got 8 or 10 books for Christmas this year. They’re all piled up on my nightstand. I’ll work my way through them this year and it will be a joy.

Now if they can just get that Academy open!


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