Thursday, January 19, 2006

Every once in a while a piece of truth lands in your life and things change. It’s as if a little bit of the curtain that is the mystery called God is lifted, and just a glimmer of His light slips out and blows your mind up. Sometimes the truth is new. Sometimes the truth is old, but you needed to be reminded of it. Sometimes it’s a little of both. Whatever the case, this piece of truth lights up your life and it’s like a burden is lifted off your shoulders. Your pace picks up, your out look is brighter, your whole life seems better just because something true some how found its way into that dark chasm you call a brain.

This is why we read scripture daily. This is why we pray. This is why we worship. This is why we fellowship. We want to experience Gods truth. Notice I said experience. Knowing isn’t enough. We all live for the experience

Now this doesn’t happen very often to me but I live for the times it does. Today is one of those days. If I told you what the truth was that has me all jacked up you would probably think I was nuts. That’s another strange thing about truth. What blows light into my brain today might do nothing for you. We all have to open the doors and windows to our lives so truth can seep in on occasion.

I hope today is one of those days for you, and if not today then tomorrow. Keep reading, worshipping, fellowshipping, praying and whatever else it takes because your day will come.


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