Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I had the opportunity to have lunch with a friend yesterday. Our conversation moved to the topic of how the church should handle the divorce issue and all its ramifications. How do we as disciples up hold the sanctity of marriage and still love those who have suffered the trauma of divorce? How can the church be hard on divorce and still love the divorced? Truth is, we didn’t come up with any answers, at least not any ones you haven’t heard before.

I’ve heard a lot of moaning and whining about the current state of our nation. I’ve heard people blame the media, liberals, conservatives, homosexuals and conservative Christians for what they perceive as the destroying forces at work against the founding principals of our nation. I’m pretty sure you can’t single out one group or ideology to blame for all the problems in America but I do think one of the most harmful elements is our divorce rate. Drugs, poverty, crime and pornography are not destroying our families, divorce is.

The idea that kids, mothers and fathers can some how go through a divorce and not suffer is ludicrous. I hear dads talk about their wonderful relationships with kids who they left to live with their mother and I want to throw up. I’ve heard women speak of their divorced husbands and how they have a much better relationship now. Give me a break!

The answer to our divorce problems begins with me making sure I do everything I can to make my marriage the best it can be. That starts by making God the focus of my marriage! While that won’t solve the problem it’s a start.


At 4:53 AM, Blogger adam said...

"As the family goes, so the society goes."

If the family unit, the bedrock of our social structure, erodes and is no more, you can be sure that the society we place so much faith in will soon follow. Our culture is not invincible. Like the Greeks and Romans before us, we are not above extinction. In fact, we pave to way toward it with our dismissal of family, the centerpiece of which is a solid marriage.

As much as this may sound mellowdramatic, I assure you, it is not. "As the family goes, so the society goes." We're losing the family. What does that mean for America?

At 8:08 AM, Blogger Randy said...

I'm not sure what it means for America. What it means for the church is a wonderful opportunity to display to the world what family is and how it should work. Unfortunately we've come up a little short.


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