Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I’m a firm believer in the idea that Gods people need to be answering the questions people are asking rather then having answers for questions no one cares about. Every culture and time have question that are unique to them but some questions transcend time. Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does a good God allow so much evil and the suffering it brings with it? What is death all about and what happens on the other side? Does God bring suffering on people or do they find it themselves?

I don’t have answers for all of these but I think as a believer I need to. I have ideas but for really good answers I come up short. Maybe answers aren’t what people need anyway. When some one is suffering answers don’t help much but when we are doing all right maybe we need to wrestle with some of these questions.

Whatever the case Gods people should be the ones with insight, wisdom and the know how to help.


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