Here’s a little piece of a possible book I’m working on with the help of my sister. The title at this point is I Might Be Wrong.
When I start to take this concept of possibly being wrong and live it out all sorts of things happen in my life. One of the first eye opening revelations I had was I don’t have to have my way. Since I could be wrong, me demanding my way don’t make much sense. Now I’m all for having an opinion, just ask my family, but pig headedly demanding you do things my way or else just doesn’t add up when there is a very real possibility I could be wrong or God forbid some one else might be right.
On the tail end of this revelation comes another flash of bright light. I can be right and I don’t have to have my way. On occasion I am right. Every so often I do get to a point where I’m convinced of my position. The fact is I get here real often but I’ve learned being right is not free pass to having my way. I’ve come to a place where I can be right and let some one that is absolutely wrong in my opinion have their way. This is more then just a matter of opinion. Its one thing to let some one have their way when you have a difference of opinion but quite another to let a sister have her way when you believe her to be wrong.
Randy, That's an interesting idea. I think that practice would keep the peace a lot better. How would you suggest that a person judge when an opinion is worth fighting for? Are the clues to assessing the gravity of a question the same in all fields (a meta-clue) or different?
I'm not sure I've got that answer. I'm also not sure anything s worth fighting for depending on what you mean by fighting. There is alot of room for discussion and to let people hold their own opinion. Change takes time and if folks are going to agree on things its going to take some patience on evryones parts.
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