Tuesday, July 11, 2006

“The gods only use those who put themselves in their way” These words from Mary Stewarts The Crystal Cave us been rattling around in my head for the last few days. While the god Stewart writes of is never identified as the God I worship the truth of the words remain. God does not use those who refuse to put themselves at risk, at least not very often.

The word used by the New Testament writers that seems to communicate this concept is trust. Do you trust God? Trust is only evident when risk is involved. If I don’t trust my surgeon I’m not likely to let him cut on me. If I don’t trust my car to get me from point A to point B I’m probably going to find another way to travel. If I don’t trust the plane I’m not getting on it. Trust demands risk be involved.

We’ve watered down this concept to a couple of ideas in the church today. Do you trust Jesus to save you on the Day of Judgment? Good question and a valid concept but there is more to this idea of trust then what happens in the here after. Do you trust God to provide for your needs? Another good question and one that starts to get at the heart of the matter but demands a little more sharpening.

Here’s what I have started to consider when I think about trusting God. When Jesus says love your enemies do you trust him enough to do it regardless of consequence. Are you willing to love terrorist when it hurts your country?

When Jesus say give without expecting repayment are you willing to do so even though your society says it’s not the prudent thing to or it actually puts your own financial position at risk?

When Jesus says turn the other cheek do you trust him enough to do it even when you’ve just had one cheek broken?

When Jesus says don’t just give your shirt but give your coat also do you trust him enough to do it when you know a cold front is on the way?

You see trust is only seen when risk is present. If were not willing to risk then we don’t trust and only those who trust will be saved. I mean isn’t belief and trust synonymous? If I believe what Jesus says I’ll do what he calls me to do. If I don’t believe him then in reality I don’t trust him enough to put myself at risk.

God can only use us when we put our self in his path by trusting him to do what he says. The disciple willing to put herself at risk is the disciple who is willing to be used.

The big problem here is that putting yourself in Gods path can on occasion get you run over. If you don’t think so ask Paul, ask Peter or ask just about anyone who’s put him or herself at risk for the sake of the kingdom. Suffering seems to be part of the deal and suffering makes us wonder if Gods keeping his end of the bargain.

Now we are back to trust. Do you believe Gods doing what he promises even when it doesn’t feel good and everything around you seems to indicate that he’s not?

The answer is not an easy one. Trust me.


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