I want to remind all of you from Central not to miss our worship seminar this weekend. It will be a pleasure to experience everything Chad Higgins has for us. Just a reminder that Friday night and Saturday morning are for every one. Saturday afternoon is for our worship leaders.
Randy Brown's Blog
A husband a Dad a preacher aman trying to see what gods doing in this world.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005
Safe places are hard to come by. Places you can be your self. Places you're not afraid to be venerable. I'm pretty sure the church should be a place like that. A place where honesty is rewarded rather then punished. A person should feel safe in a church. Safe to confess, safe to question, safe to wrestle with doubt, anger, frustration and disappointment.
How safe do you feel in your church?
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
More and more I'm running into young people that have asocial conscience. Teens and young adults who are aware of the injustice in this world and have a desire to do something about it. They see the poverty, hunger, suffering and oppressionand refuse to sit and watch. My question is how do we raise kids like this? What can parents do to help make this the norm rather then the exception? The next question is how do we become a church thet nurtures this type of young person and provides a place of spiritual formation that encourages them? Any ideas?
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
For as long as I can remember I’ve heard the argument between liberal and conservative. Not the standard talking points. I mean the argument that one side is some how better then the other.
I’ve come to the position that there is no discernable difference between the two. The liberal and the conservative are the same animal. Both are idol worshippers and both worship the same idol. Themselves.
The liberal is led by what he feels. All is judged on the basis of what he experiences. Regardless of what the facts are the liberal is lead by feelings, emotion and understanding. The ultimate destination of this path is the liberal worships himself.
The Conservative is driven by what he knows. He deals in truth and truth is determined by understanding the facts. The conservative knows everything necessary and is immovable in his stance. His God is himself and his intellect.
Since both the liberal and the conservative are worshipping themselves what path is left for the one who seeks God? The true worshipper has to come to God and the scripture with all humility seeking first to be led and then to understand.